
Marx may be a new player in town, but it has already become one of the top choices in spot and survey paints. The brand offers different selections of general-purpose spray paints. Over the last few years, high-quality products boosted the popularity of the brand. Today, Marx is the leading name in the market for those looking for spray and mark paints.

The products, which are traditionally known as “spot marking” or “spray and mark,” can be used for various purposes on diverse applications. As upside-down spray aerosol paint, all the Marx paints are easy to use. Just apply them on the ground or any surface that you need to mark. You can use the product on a mine site layout and even for marking trenches and perimeters.

If you need a long-lasting paint that you can depend on when marking drill areas or patterns, choose Marx paints. They come in different colours, including white, yellow, and fluoro colours for higher visibility.